Short-Term Missions

In thinking through how to do missions in your church, there are several great resources and articles available.  It is important to have an overall strategy to mobilize the church in daily life, locally, in-state, nationally, and internationally.  Think long-term, strategic, and discipleship.  Disciple new believers, but also invest in your mission volunteers to become disciple-makers... Continue Reading →

Ministry in inner city Lima

As the deer pants for streams of water so, too, do the people in the inner city of Lima thirst for God. Amid the rushing traffic and whirl of pedestrians, there lies a forgotten people. People on the fringes. People who are ignored, pushed aside, or left to make their own way in this world. There is devastating poverty and streets teeming with people without hope.

Missional \’mish-ə-nəl\

Missional \’mish-ə-nəl\ adj: 1: referring to the essence of someone or something as being on mission 2: permeating the mindset,focus, strategies, and performance of a church 3: pointing, showing, modeling the way of following Jesus 4:  not a program, but the driving force; not related to model, size, style, or culture.  See related terms:  incarnational;... Continue Reading →

Does salvation include social justice?

Stetzer asks the question, “Should the definition of "salvation" be expanded beyond personal redemption of sins to include social justice through the reformation of economic and political institutions?” This question is quite relevant in our current missional culture. Is the primary purpose and mission of Christians to “fix” society, culture, and politics in addition to... Continue Reading →

Examining how we think… about salvation and missions…

This week, Ed Stetzer began a new theme on "Mondays are for Missiology" and his topic was how missions relates to the role of salvation in the missional conversation.   We want to focus on how salvation "plays out" in the missional discussion.  A few of the prominent views of salvation include:  salvation by works or good deeds - the idea of the scale tipping... Continue Reading →

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