Cultivating Synergy

The Great Commission mandate is not gender-specific; but rather, men and women are co-laborers on mission. Our current culture has manifested a heightened awareness of diversity and gender issues which gives the church an opportunity to demonstrate and model clear and sacred responses amid the clashing secular voices. One area where the church’s beauty is displayed... Continue Reading →

Reframing Leadership

What if? What if we reframed our understanding of leadership to view each season as a place of leading others in their next step toward intimacy and maturity in Christ? Leadership is not a role or title, but it is an activity - a way of being. We lead our neighbors, the children on our... Continue Reading →

Ministry in inner city Lima

As the deer pants for streams of water so, too, do the people in the inner city of Lima thirst for God. Amid the rushing traffic and whirl of pedestrians, there lies a forgotten people. People on the fringes. People who are ignored, pushed aside, or left to make their own way in this world. There is devastating poverty and streets teeming with people without hope.

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